Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Start

Hello Kiddies!

Welcome to our blogspot. We are pleased you could join us and sincerly hope you enjoy your stay.

Angst and I decided that a blogspot would be better suited for our crazy ass adventure stories so to make the transition as painless as possible, we've transferred all of our previous myspace blog enteries onto there for your reading pleasure.

Keep your eyes peeled on this page when the end of September rolls aorund because our music supporting schedule will start to get a litte insane.

Hugs and Kisses -


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Confession 14

well how did this one manage to skip being blogged about.

Andrew McMahon tried to give me hot dog bangs.

you're hook right? thats what i thought. should we start at the beginning, yes? even though the hot dog bangs line is good enough.

Lyons and i decided to head to chicago one sunday afternoon for some shopping, big city life, and the Cancel out Cancer show, brought to you by Treaty of Paris. I was on board strictly for shopping and donating my $10 to a cancer fund (having just lost my grandma to bone, throat, and brain cancer). I probably should have given more but it seems like every time i turn around we are donating money in her name, which isn't bad but this months money went to the baby tigers in upper michigan.

to my dismay, there was no shopping. this night was going to be a bust. Lyons was jazzed because word on the street was Andrew McMahon was going to be making a surprise appearance. Honestly, i don't listen to Jacks Mannequin but lyons has the "if its with in a 6 hr drive, she is there rule."

i left the show feeling good. i enjoyed myself. there were A LOT of bands, which makes me uneasy. i hate being trapped in a room for too long. but i left loving the song Treaty of Paris played with Andrew. (only to be DLed the next day, listened to on repete, until i realized it was about to bump Suzanna out of my most listened to songs...(its a new computer so it really doesn't count anyway)).

We found our savvy chicago friend "ludo amanda" and made plans for the night. we went down a couple building to a bar, the name didn't stick, where amanda and lyons kicked a couple back and i stood back checking my myspace (rehab is needed).

Thats when Andrew a crew walked in. We found our way to George, Treaty's front man's VERY social dad, who introduced us to Andrew. He was very nice. I adore him. He is very good with names, he remember meeting Lyons from 3 years ago! thats bananas. i guess having a unique name pays off.

He bought four shots, offered me one, saying i looked like i needed a drink but i was driving so i turned it down. Amanda slammed one down with him, which i am pretty sure is a classic moment in history. Lyons and Amanda left me standing alone when i felt an arm around my shoulders and it was my new friend Andrew McMahon. He introduced me to his "good friend seth from the audition" and insisted that i check them out. and this is how my life with boys in bands ALWAYS goes...

Seth: you have cool bangs... (why do boys say that to me? they are bangs)
Me: oh, thanks...
Andrew: don't be scared, we are friend, this is how girls used to wear their bangs when i was in school. *insert him hot dog rolling my bangs*
Me: are you really trying to give me hot dog bangs???
Andrew: this is how they wore their bangs...

thats when lyons turned around with the "what the hell is happening look." and if i knew i am sure i would have stopped it. it happened again about an hour later. its was insane.

after lyons was done having her fun, we said good bye to our friends, including andrew & seth. Lyons told Andrew she was waiting to listen to the album even though it was leaked and he told her "do what you gotta do man, i understand, do what you gotta do." she insisted that she wouldn't listen to it until it came out and he hugged her and told her how much that meant to him.

What an awesome guy. perhaps lyons will share a CD with me to convert me. until then. Everyone Listen to Locksley and go see them on the Choose or Lose tour this fall.
