Friday, May 30, 2008

Confession 2

With great remorse, I report that Ludo did not play Girls On Trampolines last night.

To help cope with our overwhelming grief, I did the unimaginable: I did my own rendition of it in the parking lot after we had exited the venue - trampolines included. Angst, the parking lot attendant, the stray dog, the four crickets, De'mar Jr, and random bystanders seemed to enjoy it. I know I did.

So with much happiness, I am pleased to make this announcement: I am starting a tradition.

Since it seems that Ludo will never play Girls On Trampolines again, at the next Wisconsin Ludo show that you may attend, I highly suggest and encourage you all to find me. I fully plan on doing my own interpretation of it after the show to entertain you all with. I'll even bring extra trampolines along just so you can all participate in the fun. Hopefully that will help fill everyone's void - not that anything could compare to the rock that Ludo brings to the table - but at least we can all still jam out to it together. Anyone game for dressing up as Officer 1, 2, and 3? Let me know.

****Disclaimer: Location and participation may vary

~Team Lyons

Confession 1

So this is our first blog. I want to say how exciting it is to have such positive feedback about a weird little myspace page. We love hearing from everyone. We only started this page less than 2 weeks ago and it had really gone further than we had imagined. We came up with this idea and a 15 hour car ride home from Jersey and now we are seeing that crazy sleep deprived ideas can be wonderful!

On the note of my (Angst) worth while thoughts, I will let you all know that Lyons and I are donating blood tonight for Music Saves Lives. Every time you donate it can save up to 3 lives. Everyone should go out and give some blood too if you have the chance. I am scared out of my mind and my arm hurts at the thought but i will be there with my bottle of juice that will (cross our fingers) keep me from passing out.

On the note of not so worth while thoughts, i have been reading every internet article i can find about the birth of Zac Hanson's new baby boy. If you find anything good pass it my way. Congrats to Zac and his wife Kate.

~Team Angst