Friday, May 30, 2008

Confession 1

So this is our first blog. I want to say how exciting it is to have such positive feedback about a weird little myspace page. We love hearing from everyone. We only started this page less than 2 weeks ago and it had really gone further than we had imagined. We came up with this idea and a 15 hour car ride home from Jersey and now we are seeing that crazy sleep deprived ideas can be wonderful!

On the note of my (Angst) worth while thoughts, I will let you all know that Lyons and I are donating blood tonight for Music Saves Lives. Every time you donate it can save up to 3 lives. Everyone should go out and give some blood too if you have the chance. I am scared out of my mind and my arm hurts at the thought but i will be there with my bottle of juice that will (cross our fingers) keep me from passing out.

On the note of not so worth while thoughts, i have been reading every internet article i can find about the birth of Zac Hanson's new baby boy. If you find anything good pass it my way. Congrats to Zac and his wife Kate.

~Team Angst