Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Confession 3

I have this thing that i do every monday. I had recently stopped because my habit was getting out of control and i was running out of space for things. Every Monday i go thrift shopping. Let me tell you i will buy anything if its a $1 or less. Example, and Adidas head band for playing tennis or basketball. neither of which i do. Sometimes i get really excited and purchase things that are more pricey, upwards of $3. ha.

Anyway, what my major problem is, is purchasing band t-shirts. i have found some pretty good ones in the past. Specifically, my "the academy" tshirt. it was from before The Academy is... added the "is...". Good buy i must say. My "vintage" hanson t, where you can't tell what gender any of them are. i love it. I buy any CD or cassette tape i find of bands i like too.

I think I am going to have to stop with these monday morning thrift shopping adventures because i started buying t-shirts of bands i know i will never wear. i just feel bad that they are sitting in a thrift store. i was almost compelled to by a taking back sunday shirt yesterday. I don't even listen to them. I did walk away with a Number One Fan shirt though. I don't listen to them either but i do like the wildbirds (obviously). its a pretty gross shirt too. big grease stain. eww. i don't know what i am going to do with it yet. any ideas let me know.

~Team Angst

this video makes me think of summer...

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