Sunday, July 27, 2008

Confession 9

Sing it loud, equals total jail bait.

have you heard Sing it Loud yet? i think you should check them out if you haven't. don't be confused though, they all look like mini versions of boys from other bands. its pretty remarkable, but i believe i talked about that in the summerfest blog.

so the boys in sing it loud totally won us over at summerfest and when lyons and i found out they would be rolling into our hometown we knew we for sure wouldn't miss it. i am obsessed with the song Bite Your Lip. really. its pure magic.

dear sing it loud boys,
next time you play a show please put Lyons and I on the guest list. We will give you our cover charge to go right into your pocket instead of having you share with the other bands that we weren't so amped to see. that could have been $42 right in your super tight jean pockets.

back to the show though.

these guys are pretty young. they are mostly 19 i believe, if i have done my research correctly. so lyons and felt weird thinking that some of these boys were cute.

cut to us being thrown in prison for rowdy inappropriate taunts.

they had a pretty big set that night since they were the 3rd band to play. i was pretty sure that they would be the first since they are pretty new, but i am glad that they weren't. they deserve better. either it is the lead singers usual stage banter to admit that he is "medically obese" (i use that term to describe skinny kids who are out of shape) and can't finish a set without wanting to collapse or i have just been to 2 uniquely long shows. which i don't mind.

after the show Lyons had to buy another copy of their EP. yes, another copy. she now owns 2, and this is becoming a habit of hers. she feels like she needs to help bands and purchases their album a couple time. i think she has like 7 copies of Ludo's new CD. ok not that many but she has a couple.

then like the fan girls we are, we lingered around to get our pictures with them. I had a major feeling that this band would go the way of metro station. we would see them a lot in a short span of time, never wanting to make the real effort to meet them and get to obligatory fan photo, always saying "we'll do it next time", then there never being a next time because tweens are fight over the grass they walked on. We will always have you Blake *wink*

anyway, the string bean of a lead singer is either A. emo B. shy C. was tired D. not impressed with our witty banter, because he really was less than entertained with us and even darted into the back room the second the flash went off on our second picture. i didn't even get to ask for my silly photo that i was hoping to get where we were, picture it, holding hands really far apart looking like a awkward couple. i guess locksley is the only band that will ever take fun pictures with me.

we couldn't find the mexican jumping bean of a bass player so we decided to pack it up and go home. ahh but alas the jumping bean was in the parking lot. after a short wait we talked him up a little bit and he is by far the nicest band boy i have ever met. just genuinely thanking us for coming to see his band, really excited to hear that we came to see them, boys in bands like this really seal the deal for us. if we hate your band and you are overly nice to us, we will for sure become fans. we were already fans of Sing it Loud so i think the next step is obviously to form a fan club? no?

ok maybe not, we will just continue to go to their shows and jump around.

i didn't ask for my awkward photo with the jumping bean either. next time?

sing it loud gets the big stamp of approval from Angst and Lyons.

music- katy perry - waking up in vegas

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