Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Confession 6

I now know Tom Higgenson Religion and it was Uncomfortable.

Before i start this i just want to let jack the camera guy know that i am super dissapointed that TAI TV still isn't up and it is monday afternoon. whats the issue? what more do you have to do in life or for a job for that matter? nothing, thats what i thought.

Where i left off was with Sing it Loud (a adorable band from MN) was setting up their gear. i had a stomach full of burrito and thought i might up chuck at any moment. Heat + mexican food + crazed tweens = one crazy feeling in my stomach. There were girls that were absolutely bananas for these guys, which i thought was really funny since when i saw them about a month and a half ago, no one knew who they were. i loved them. they sing the theme song to my life called "bite your lip." i wish a fictional character (marcus flutie) didn't forever change me.

Sing it loud is composed of look a likes from other bands. its pretty amazing. the singer is a sexy version of isaac hanson circa 99. i thought it was impossible too. to have a sexy version of that but there is. i am in lust with him. he doesn't have the braces ::spits thank God sign of the cross:: the keyboard player looks like Demar from the plain white T's. ironic that they played a show together, i hope they got a picture together. its truly un-canning. however i think and well dressed black man looks like demar. then the bass player looks like a dude from mayday parade. i am not sure what said dudes name is but i know they look a like.

the poor kids were having so much trouble with their gear. mostly the amps. the boy who looks like the Mayday Parade kid ended up storming off the stage during sound check. mini ike just stood there not knowing what to do and tasseled his hair every 30 secs.

all and all when the stuff started working they were really good. i think the best was when mini ike announced, "we are normally opening acts that only get to play for 20 mins and this set is really taking it out of me, fuck i am tired!"

Next up to bat was LUDO! oddly enough most of the crowd was there to see them and not the plain white t's. people were rocking the ludo gear all over the place. why? cause they are fricken AWSOME! so if you recall, we asked andrew to play girls on trampolines at bamboozle and he yelled at us saying he hated that song and they would never play it. cut to them dedicating "the next song to all the german girls out there." We all went insane. this is the point in the show were i lost all pride, flung myself against the barrier, practically clawing at Convy. that song always gets me. i think we were the only 3 people that knew it too, everyone else was like "what the hell is this???" its a classic ludo song, thats what it is.

i have to say the best moment of the set was when farell went to do his guitar solo for love me dead and climbed onto of some speakers (in his white pants). it was deffinatly a rock star moment. but it was the look on convy's face when he saw farell climb up there. his grin was from ear to ear and he was laughing like a mad man. i think i saw farell mouth "i am a golden god."

so after an hour wait the plain white t's came out. i only got one crazed fan girl shake from annalee. so my arm is in tack. no bruises from her. they were all self inflicted bruises during ludo. Tim lopez loved us. we were his focus for most of the night. Tom could care less.

Dear tom, if you ever run across this, i have to say...please wear underwear on stage. i know your religion now and it was very uncomfortable. it was like a car accident. i could not stop looking. that is not a good thing. don't be impressed with yourself. in-fact i will purchase a 6 pack of hanes for you. done.

they were pretty good. i called dibs on Dave, but apparently someone already had dibs on him so i am second in line for him.. did i mention demar was bald? i didn't see that one coming either.

so lets get to the good part. i know jessie needs a recap because she blacked out most of the night and all she can do is shake and say "i should have gone up...i should have..." so the PWTs left the stage and came out for the encore, of course singing "hey there deliha." the song after that, i don't even know what it was since i only know 2 of their songs, Tom forgot ALL the words. i understand forgetting a line or 2 but he had nothing. it was awkward music and no singing.

Dave, who apparently doesn't ever talk gets on the mic and goes, "Jesus Tom, is this really happening now?" to which Tom replied "well dave i think you should sing since i don't know any of the words" and dave shot back with "the only problem with that is, i don't know them either, you wrote it..." Thats when Tom started frantically scanning the crowd. for once he looked down by us and i knew, it was my time to take advantage of being in the front row. I started jumpping up and down, pointing at annalee screaming "she knows it." i have never seen her neck snap at me so fast and she yelled "noooo, what are you doing!?!?"

Tom stopped and goes "do you know it?" and annalee was like "no, but she does..." pointed at jessie. then annalee and i were both pointing at jessie going "she does, she knows it!!!"

Jessie was like a deer in the headlights. Next thing i know, Tim, Tom, and Dave are all looking at us leaning in trying to get one of us up there to finish the song. tim kept saying, "get her up here if she knows it!" and tom scared all of us when he was like "well, if you don't know it, it will be worse for you than it would be for me..."

and thats when mike started the song. who knew he was even in the band. the best was jessie going, "did that really just happen?!?!" sure did, there were 1000 people there that would have saw her on stage with the PWTs and she didn't take it. thats dumb.

they did one more song after that. then they were done. we got our PWT swag, guitar picks, drum sticks, and set lists. then Tim Lopez came out.

jessie blacked out again.

he made his way down by us. he made chit chat with us. signed some stuff and took a photo with us. "you guys should have came up on stage if you knew the words, you were more than welcome. Tom sure didn't know what was going on."

i lost interest after the photo was taken. annalee and i wandered over and found ludo matt. we just talked about playing girls on trampolines for my b-day on warped tour. it was a good night until i got back to my car and saw some one stabbed my tire. i am almost 23 and still scared to tell my dad about car related troubles.

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=695488&op=1&view=all&subj=292300287&id=501063016 <--- Tom calling us out.

Current Music: Bite your Lip- Sing it Loud

-Love Angst

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